Holiday Money Saving Ideas

Holiday money saving ideas can help you enjoy all the holidays more. Really. Without all the family budget stress, it is easier to focus on what you are celebrating - no matter if it's Mother's Day or Christmas.

Before the Scrooge or Santa Claus in you takes over, relax. It's possible to celebrate the holidays and special occasions without breaking your bank or the kids' piggy banks. The key is to have a bunch of ideas that you can use in lots of situations - and celebrations!

So, how can you start saving money during the holidays? Let's walk through the calendar...

Valentine's Day
It's gone way beyond the traditional cards and roses. Now it seems like everyone gets a Valentine's Day card or present - not just the sweethearts. There are cards and presents for everyone - Mom, Dad, kids, aunts, name it. Are there any saving money tips that still let you enjoy the fun? You bet!

Homemade cards (like the ones in grade school with paper doilies and all!) and decorated cupcakes can fill the bill. What about a handwritten note or poem? Or a coupon for a dinner date or babysitting? Sometimes the more practical presents are more romantic. But it's still best to steer clear of the household appliances - no blenders please!

Mother's Day
Mother's Day used to be about kids (of all ages) giving homemade presents and cards to Mom. Presents only Mom can appreciate. No more. Mother's Day has grown to be about roses and fancy jewelry. But what about more affordable options? Moms love saving money tips so get creative!

Pamper her with breakfast in bed - and clean up the kitchen afterwards. Let her go shopping...alone. Even if you can't afford the full spa package, there are pedicures or even just a salon bottle of shampoo (that no one else will get to use!).

Father's Day
Looking for an alternative to a necktie (the affordable option) or golf clubs (the expensive option)? Make it a personal gift that fits him better than any piece of clothing. Maybe Dad would like to have a "Dad-feast" cooked just for him...anyone for BBQ ribs, steaks and bratwurst? What about time for a full round of golf? Or just a nap in the hammock with no interruptions? Some of the best ideas are also the ones that save money.

This holiday has grown over the years to be a big celebration. And with it comes a whole new opportunity to spend...and to put more holiday money saving ideas into action.

There are ideas on costumes, treats for tricksters and decorations. See the Halloween page for inexpensive ways to enjoy the fun on the spookiest night of all.

Christmas may be the most expensive of all the holidays...and the most highly promoted by the retail industry. Is it really possible to balance celebrating the season and your family budget? It is with the yuletide ideas you can find at the Christmas spending page. Be sure to also check out gift giving tips for the whole family and unique ideas for kids' gifts.

Lots of our holiday money saving ideas can work for most holidays or celebrations. Let your imagination go and you'll be surprised how many creative solutions you can come up with on your own.

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